Communiqué de presse

Appointment of Martin-Pierre Gaultier as Chief Commercial Officer

Publié le January 31, 2019

Lemonway, la fintech spécialisée dans le paiement sécurisé pour les places de marché, annonce la nomination de Martin-Pierre Gaultier à la Direction Commerciale. Précédemment chez AirPlus, filiale dédiée au développement de solutions de paiement pour les déplacements professionnels du Groupe Lufthansa, et chez PayPal, il a pour principal objectif d’accélérer le développement de Lemonway en Europe auprès des places de marchés et des grands acteurs du Crowdfunding.

Lemonway’s new Chief Commercial Officer comes to Montreuil by way of Shanghai

Martin-Pierre Gaultier joined the Lemonway team as Chief Commercial Officer in January 2019. He comes to Paris straight from China, where he was Bureau chief in Shanghai for a subsidiary of Lufthansa, AirPlus, a competitor of American Express that develops payment solutions for business travel. Martin-Pierre’s Asian expatriation was an extension of the business development experience he began at AirPlus in 2011. He was initially stationed in Paris, where he was in charge of securing key accounts, after which he moved to Frankfurt, where his mission revolved around establishing banking partnerships (BNP Paribas, ING, UBS, Santander etc.). He then went on to lead the sales team for global accounts before taking off for China. A graduate of Neoma Business School and INSEAD, Martin-Pierre Gaultier first earned his spurs at PayPal France.

Today, Martin-Pierre brings his international experience and focus on key accounts to Lemonway. He will take charge of steering the company’s ‘Client’ component, overseeing four teams: Sales & Account Management, Implementation, Client Success and KYC (Know Your Customer).

Why Lemonway?

Martin-Pierre has chosen Lemonway for ‘their talented and superbly complementary management team, but also for the company’s client focus.’ Returning to France in search of ‘family balance’ among other reasons, he was attracted to the start-up atmosphere that prevails at Lemonway: ‘I get to stay in payments, a field I know and like—but, FinTech being what it is—it’s a more modern and stimulating version!’

What’s ahead?

  • To enhance commercial recognition of the impressive technological foundation that drives Lemonway’s payment solution, particularly vis-à-vis key accounts: marketplaces, crowdfunding platforms, etc. ‘These types of global actors, which handle transactions in large volumes and are faced with complex market regulations, have highly specific and uncompromising demands and are the players most likely to be interested in the bespoke and secure payment solution offered by Lemonway.’

  • Business development in Europe: particularly in France, Britain, Italy, Spain and Germany;

  • Restructuring the sales teams and offerings, with six positions currently to be filled.

His mantra?

‘Companies don’t do things, people do.’ This is a quote Martin-Pierre picked up from Christopher Coonen, former VP of PayPal France. ‘I like the concept of doing things together. Committed, responsible employees are what drives a business. A company does nothing on its own; it is the men and women within it who do everything!’

His hobbies?

As the father of two young children, family is naturally a central focus of his interests. He is also passionate about horses. A rider for over 15 years, Martin-Pierre has gone in with friends on the purchase of a racing trotter, hanging up his helmet to rub elbows with denizens of the very close-knit world of breeders, trainers and… horse racing.



Head of Marketing
[email protected]